

商品訊息描述: 工商時報【Nikki Lu】

閱讀暖身希望公司派你到海外工作?希望自己投履歷到海外企業?希望一邊旅行世界一邊工作博客來網路書店 ,最好的方法是先來一場兩周非度假式的短旅行。Fast Company一篇文章說:'You can only get so far by thinking about stuff. Sometimes you just have to go for it.'計畫一場兩周以上旅行,有策略地建立人脈,會是真正的突破。一起來看怎麼計畫。進入本文前,請先想想以下英文單字怎麼說:A.外派人士 B.行程;旅行計畫 C.新發現的;新得到的

1.Decide where 決定去哪兒

You need to know the exact location. According to the author, any more than two destinations is not okay. “It’s impossible to plan a purposeful trip when you haven’t narrowed down to the specific place where you want to live and work.” If you are still thinking “Europe,” “Maybe Germany or the UK ,” or the worst, “either Berlin or London, I’m not sure which,” Make up your mind. Be specific.


2.Research, Research, Research 研究,研究,再研究

Spend one or two months on getting to know the demand for the roles you’re qualified to fill that market, “identifying 30-40 companies (yes, that many!) where those types of roles are available over there.” Talk to locals and (A)expatriates about the job opportunities (“ideally people who work at those same target organizations”). Join related Facebook groups with expat information and job opportunities in that region. After some time, you should be getting some directions from a few recruiters’ responses and expats’ advices. And you will build a list of friendly friends of friends who live there now. At this point, you might not have job offers yet and might not know if it’s possible for you to get a visa, but it’s enough for now. It’s time to book a flight.


3.Build a grueling 博客來網路書局(B)itinerary


It’d be great if you have a few interviews on your calendar, but with or without it, you set up dates. “You schedule yourself in for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with a real human being who lives in that city every single day. And every single night, you have a networking event to go to, followed by a drink at an expat bar to meet even more people. You go on Tinder if you have to and line up dates with people in your field. This is (1)all in.”


4.Work your (C)newfound network 使新人脈網發揮效果

If you come back with a job offer, great; if not, new contacts in the expat or local community can still be of great help. “Maybe they can put you directly in contact with their boss or their head of HR about positions you’re qualified for, or (2)tip you off when they’re hiring.”


資料來源:Fast Company

世界公民,這是商業英語的last mile!


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